If your voice over marketing efforts are producing the results you’re looking for, part of the reason may be your follow-up strategy… or lack thereof. Marc Scott kicks off Free Advice Friday with some important advice on follow-ups, and why they matter so much.
From there, we cover AI, social media content, marketing strategies, books to read and much more!
Deep Work by Cal Newport – https://amzn.to/3ZiZdj3
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill – https://amzn.to/4emxYIz
As a Man Thinketh by James Allen – https://amzn.to/3Ttye0e
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck – https://amzn.to/4e3s8Mq
🎙️ For voice over services – https://marcscottvoiceover.com
🛎️ For voice over marketing coaching, classes and resources – https://vopreneur.com
✅ Subscribe to the VOpreneur® YouTube Channel – https://youtube.com/@vopreneur
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00:00:00 Welcome to Free Advice Friday
00:00:15 Why you need to send follow-ups
00:06:00 Follow-Up Academy Master Class
00:09:59 How do present a good value proposition in a B2B email?
00:13:10 How do I respond to a request for a rate card?
00:17:04 Guest appearance from the Jelly Bean
00:19:16 Should I follow-up with Casting Directors after a workshop?
00:20:56 What do you say in follow-up communication?
00:23:54 Business Lessons Learned
00:25:01 What is the best way to send voice over demos?
00:27:24 How are you using AI in your everyday marketing?
00:31:00 Out of Office Notice follow-ups
00:31:47 The VOpreneur® Mastermind 2025
00:33:05 How do I follow-up after a lead says they’re interested?
00:35:11 Using ChatGPT in my business.
00:37:37 How do I raise my rates with a client?
00:41:29 Introductory Email Workshop September 17
00:42:53 AI for Good or AI for Bad
00:44:22 Should I post my demos on YouTube?
00:46:34 Using AI for YouTube Titles and Descriptions
00:49:44 What are you favorite books on Mindset?
00:59:30 Why I will ALWAYS be kind to AI
#marketing #voiceovermarketing #voiceacting This post originally appeared on this site.